Who: HS students (Winterguard- excused when rehearsing). MS students who marched, optional, but encouraged!
When: Band room open 30 min. prior to warm up time. Double header nights- play 2nd half of game 1, and 1st half of game 2.
See calendar for exact times.
January 19th- Boy/Girl Double header 6:00 Home January 26th- Boy/Girl Double Header 6:00 Caldwell County January 30th- Boy/Girl Double Header 6:00 Home February 1st- Girls Basketball 7:30 Home February 6th- Boy/Girl Double Header 6:00 Home February 20th- Boys Basketball 7:30 Home
Music: - - Rehearsed during class. - - You may have your own copies. Link is here. Some of this music is copyrighted and we do not share/post it on a public site.
Hey Song
Don’t stop believin’
Crazy Train
Stand Shorts
School Songs
Blinding Lights
Sweet Caroline
Grading- HS students- 200 points graded per performance (HS Winterguard, excused when rehearsing) MS students who marched, optional, but encouraged
IF the pep band travels (regionals, state) the amount of students traveling will be dictated by KHSAA. The band directors will get the total number from MNHHS athletic director, and we will set the roster based on 1) Instrument needs and 2) attendance during the regular season.
No school = no pep band (snow, NTI, etc)
Pep Band Do’s and Do not’s-
Do- Be engaged and ready! Cheer on the teams! Play out! Stand when you play!
Don’t- Leave without permission Play while the game is happening